Pokemon Evolved Alpha Mod

Pokemon Evolved Alpha Mod is a mod made by Mystic Academy and it is only available for players who have Ark: Survival Evolved. Ark: Survival Evolved is a survival game which involves surviving (duh!) in the land of dinosaurs. It is a game where you can tame dinosaurs and ride it into battle. Ark has been a huge craze since the early access. It is still in early access (definition: the game is not complete and there are more dinosaurs added into this game frequently.

So what this mod (or modification) does is that they added pokemon into the game! As for now, the mod is still in the alpha stage with only 30(?) or so in the game. There are a few more dinosaurs still spawning in the swamp area but no biggie to it.

How to I play this?
Buy Ark: Survival Evolved on Steam. I mean it, buy it! Search for Pokemon Evolved Alpha in the workshop section. Subscribe (big green button) to the mod. It will automatically add it to your game. Launch it, wait for it to load it into your mod list, add it into your active slot, and enjoy!

How to tame a pokemon in this mod?
You jab them with a stun gun or shoot it with a tranquilizer arrows/bullets to make them unconscious and feed them raw meat/prime meat until the taming bar is full.
Or you can choose to kill pokemon, which drops credits, and you can purchase pokemon using that credit. Yay!

Are those the only ways?
Unfortunately, yes. My brother calls me a cruel person for killing them for credits but I just stared him in the eyes while their body flopped helpless to the ground. He he he he…

It has been taking most of my free time after work that I have neglected my cross stitch. Not a good thing to do, I know. But the best part of this game is I can ride them. I can ride them to fly, run across the plains, or swim in the ocean. I am playing on a single player which could get lonely but it’s POKEMON. I don’t need friends, I only need POKEMON.

This is me, riding my Pigeot, showing you guys my base/wall.

From left: 3 Pigeot, Venusaur, Blastoise, Giratini, Sylveon, Umbreon, Eevee, Charmander, Ninetails, and Xerneas.

Giratini is a little wonky now. I can’t ride it or access it to level him up. There is an island which spawns legendaries like Groudon and Dialga which have insane amount of HP and damage. The three generation 1’s starters (Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle) can evolve after leveling up 40 times. Some of the pokemons have problem collecting credits or they are tweaked to be too powerful (it is still in the alpha stage). But it has been really fun collecting them. I hope to fill my base with every single pokemon available in the game and have it roam around the base.

Mystic Academy and his team had made it possible for this girl here to have these much fun in two of my favourite game in my game list. I couldn’t thank them enough. Thank you.

And that is all from me to you today.

Cross Stitch Project

I started this project a while ago in November based on the patterns made by Servotron from SpriteStitch Forum. It is a massive 25 by 14.2 inches, or 63.5 by 36 cm big project filled to the brim with generation 1’s 150 pokemons.

I started in Early December 2016.

I have been updating my progress on twitter. But so far, due to the business that comes with Chinese New Year, I have not touched it for a couple of days. Don’t worry, I will be back on that cloth soon. For those who are curious with the cost of this project. I bought the cloth for around RM60 (13.5 usd) and the thread and needles cost more than RM 300 (68 usd). I bought one of each colour needed and I am pretty sure I am going to need more soon, especially black.

So far, I find cross stitch to be surprisingly calming. I fell completely into zen mode, watching the thread go in and out of the small holes. It is my way to run away from the real world (for a while). There is frustrating moments when the thread tangles or when you have a short thread but none of that seems to bother me so much.

Hopefully in two years or longer (hopefully shorter), I will get to showcase my pride and joy to you guys. Determination, please be with me.

And with that I, Nora, peace out.


Yes, it is that time again. I already have two personal blogs and one joint blog and here I am with another new one. This time, I will try my best (like every other time) to post as much as possible. So as anyone could see, I am either Nora or Zira on certain days, depending on what the post is about. I will try to post at least once a week unless there is anything much more important. I am still learning the basics of wordpress (everything is so confusing. Yes, I have upgraded myself from kiddy blogspot to adult wordpress). So stay tuned (?) and look forward to more stuff from Nora, Zira, and me.